Day 3 (From the arch to custard)

Day 3
June 24, 2006
Sightseeing in St. Louis
We awoke to perfect weather conditions this morning—cool, breezy and dry. After a leisurely breakfast, we headed across the Mississippi River to the downtown St. Louis Riverfront where the arch is located. After purchasing tickets for a 1:50 PM tram ride to the top of the arch, we had 3+ hours to kill so we walked around downtown taking in the sights, including the New Busch Stadium. Frank was impressed that they were able to build a new stadium in the time since he attended the next to the last game played at Old Busch in October (playoffs against Houston). Old Busch stood next to the new stadium, and has since been torn down.
While in line to board the tram, Margaret Hegmann, a friend from our church, walked up to us and said “Hi Hazzards!” She was in town attending the UUA Ge

Before heading back to our campsite, we stopped by the Ted Drewes world famous custard stand and had a dose of hedonism. All in all, it was a good day.
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